To my husband Michael
Without him there would be no blog. He encouraged me to put my thoughts & knowledge somewhere for others to see!
He’s my biggest cheerleader and best friend.
We love spending time with our family, watching movies on a lazy Sunday, traveling, boating, taking our kids new places, doing home projects, and playing with our sweet pups!
He’s been with me through a lot of good and bad, supported a lot of crazy ideas and didn’t kill me during menopause! He’s a keeper! I love him more every day!!

To my amazing Children & granddaughter.
Zakk, my heart He was born a leader and will do amazing things. He embraces life to the fullest. I couldn’t be more proud of the man he is.
Taylor and Blakely, were born in my heart not my belly. God knew I needed them. They’ve taught me what it’s like to have a daughter. And Blakely has made me a Yaya. {paisley is my sunshine y’all} Being a girl mom is a sweet tender love. I’m forever grateful for this love.
To my clients
Who have blessed my room with their stories. Laughter, tears, prayers. I wouldn’t be where I am without them.
To my team
Everyday I say Goodmorning. But what I want to do is hug their neck. They are the real VIP of M&S. I work along side of the most amazing people. So professional. So talented. Such God Fearing people!! What a blessing to have these people in my life!! I’m all the better to know them!!

My parents
Who have always told me I could do anything. Who taught me about God. The people I call to share good or bad news with. The people that are genuinely happy for me. The people that love me unconditionally.
Including my in-laws, God has given me the gift of time with them. We have grown in our love and friendship. I'm grateful for this extended family.
My web designer, that I can call at the drop of a hat and she fixes all the things. Makes the website run smoothly, keeps it up and running. She Helps with all our signs for our doors, you name it. She's a saint and we are all the better because of her!